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SSH Basics Part 1: Introduction

This is part 1 of SSH Basics. In this tutorial we will get to know what SSH is, when we need to use SSH and SSH clients on different OS(Operating System). Let's get started.

What is SSH

SSH(Secure Shell), is a UNIX-based command interface and protocol for securely getting access to a remote computer. SSH uses public key cryptography for both connection and authentication. SSH is the default tool for system administrator to perform various tasks on servers remotely.

When do we need to use SSH

As we all know, cloud servers are becoming more and more affordable. Thus more and more clients prefer to use cloud server for their websites. As a developer, it has become inevitable to learn system administration.

SSH is the most commonly used tool to perform various tasks on cloud servers. Times we need to use SSH as a developer:

  • Setup a web server for a client's website.
  • Deploy source code to a production server.

SSH client

In order to use SSH to access your server remotely, you will need a SSH client on your local machine.

Below are most common SSH clients on different OS(Operating System), please download corresponding client to your machine. So you can follow this series of tutorials along.

| Operating System | Name | Download Page | | :--------------- | :------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | | Windows | PuTTY | | | Mac OS X | Terminal | Built-in |

In most of cases, remote server is running on Unix and they are installed with OpenSSH(the SSH server).

The end

Next tutorial, let's get our hands dirty. We will show you how to login to a remote server using SSH.

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