Recently published tutorials
CakePHP geocoding behavior
CakePHP Geocoding behavior is a CakePHP behavior which helps finding lat and lng in Google Map from a given zipcode or address
CakePHP paginator guide
you will be able to use CakePHP pagination helper to accomplish your desired paginator (pagination links) easily
Composer for beginner
An update in minor part of the version number indicates that some new features with backwards-compatibility are added
Copying images from URL with Flysystem
Parameter **$remote** is a string pointing to a remote URL and **$desDir** is a string containing the destination directory
Data Structure and Algorithm - Bubble Sort
Bubble Sort works by comparing two values at a time and does it pair by pair. And it iterates until all elements are in place
Data Structure and Algorithm - Insertion Sort
extracting the master list's items one by one and inserting them into a the sub-list until all items are moved from master list
Data Structure and Algorithm - Merge Sort
Merge Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. It works by continually splitting a list in half until both halves are sorted
Data Structure and Algorithm - Quick Sort
It works by choosing an element(pivot) from the list and placing elements that are less than the pivot on its left side
Data Structure and Algorithm - Selection Sort
inding the smallest item from the master list and swap it to the last element of the sub-list until all items are sorted
Data Structure and Algorithm - Shell Sort
We are using the FOR loop to iterate the master list and the WHILE loop to locate the position to insert the item
Dealing with date range
The package **league/period** is from PHP League and its purpose is to make handling date range in PHP easier for developers
Debug MySQL slow query
Slow MySQL query is a common cause of the application bottleneck. Slow queries are often discovered when a large dataset is added
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