Recently published tutorials
How to create PDF helper with TCPDF
Now go to your browser and type in address to access /pdfs/index. You should be prompted to download a PDF file
How to create your own URL shortening service
URL Shortener service has become more and more popular. And more and more third party URL shortening services has been created
How to display validation messages with multiple models in one form
we create two simple database tables (users and profiles).You will need to create these two tables in your database
How to implement PayPal Express Checkout for Digital Good in CakePHP - Part 1
we will show you how to implement PayPal Express Checkout for Digital Good in CakePHP. We have divided this tutorial into two parts
How to implement PayPal Express Checkout for Digital Good in CakePHP - Part 2
we will show you how to implement the front-end (Javascript part) and utilize the Paypal class to communicate with PayPal API server
How to integrate Facebook login with CakePHP 3
we have learned how to integrate Facebook login using a plugin called Facebook Login. A lot of things have changed since then
How to make all words start with a capital letter in a sentence using PHP
Its function is to make all words start with a capital letter in a sentence. If there is any non-first capital letter
How to search JSON data in MySQL
You may have noticed double quotes in the previous sample. To remove the double quotes from the selection result
How to use join for any relationship types in CakePHP
we talk about how to use join for multiple tables in CakePHP when association between models are not necessarily hasOne or belongsTo
How to use jqPlot in CakePHP
make sure it can connect to your database and tmp folder writable. If you don't have the knowledge of setting up CakePHP
How to use pChart in CakePHP
pChart is a PHP class oriented framework designed to create aliased charts. As we all know most of todaya�?s chart libraries have a cost
Installing WordPress in a CakePHP application
we added two conditions to make sure files under **blog** will be interpreted as normal PHP files. All requests to **blog** directory
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