Recently published tutorials
Modern PHP Developer - PDO
you use PDO to develop an application using MySQL as the database storage. If you want to switch to PostgreSQL at any point in time
Modern PHP Developer - PSR
The purpose of FIG is for project representatives to talk about the commonalities between their projects and find ways to work together
Modern PHP Developer - TDD
The benefits that TDD brings to us are enormous. At first it forces us to think about code design before we create any concrete code
Monitoring a PHP application
When it comes to debugging and troubleshooting. Logs are essential. They contain information we need to fix errors and trace user behaviors
Move_uploaded_file FAQ
It basically means that the directory which the file is being moved to is owned by a different user (UID) than PHP script
PDO for beginner (part 1)
I set the **error mode** and **data fetch mode** on runtime so that I do not have to worry about defining it at every SQL query
PDO for beginner (part 2)
as it can get affected by SQL injections. To save our data from SQL injections we use prepared statements in MySQLi and PDO
Permission denied in CakePHP bake console + Eclipse+ Mac
Recently when we were testing development environment in Mac using CakePHP. We have encountered an interesting issue
PHP Calendar class with hooks
So you can use that hook to write plugins to accomplish your task that will save you from changing the existing codes of the Calendar Class
PHP CRUD Tutorial (part 2)
As we need to provide validation for form entries. Hence there is a PHP variable for holding validation error for each field
PHP CRUD Tutorial (part 3)
we are going to create "Read" and "Delete" pages of PHP CRUD grid. This will complete CRUD functions of PHP CRUD grid
The task we will accomplish at the end of this tutorial is to fetch content of a google page by passing a search term "curl"
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